Our mission

“Decoding Dyslexia Ontario advocates for schools to identify dyslexia early and adopt evidence-based curriculum so that the thousands of children with dyslexia can learn to read in the regular classroom with their peers by the time they reach third grade.”

In Ontario, at least 2 children in every classroom are dyslexic and struggle to learn to read without effective supports. We share the increasing wealth of knowledge about dyslexia with parents, educators, policy makers and others so that these bright and capable children can receive the instruction and support they deserve to reach their full potential.

Our Vision

–That all children with dyslexia in Ontario learn to read

–That effective reading instruction will help all childen learn to read

Our Mission

– To raise dyslexia awareness

– To empower families to support their dyslexic children

– To communicate evidence-based practices regarding:

  1. Identification
  2. Remediation
  3. Support for students with dyslexia

We advocate for:

  1. A universal, scientifically-based definition and understanding of dyslexia as it relates to education in Ontario
  2. Evidence-based education policy and language curriculum that aligns with the science of reading
  3. Mandatory and ongoing teacher training about dyslexia, including its warning signs and appropriate and effective intervention strategies, for all pre-service and certified teachers in Ontario
  4. Mandatory early screening tests for dyslexia in all schools across Ontario
  5. Mandatory and effective dyslexia remediation programs in our schools across Ontario that can be accessed by general, gifted and special education students
  6. Access to appropriate, ongoing and effective assistive technologies (and training thereof), within all classrooms across Ontario

Faces of Dyslexia Ontario Video (2016)